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Some important festivities observed in the abode of Veeravenkatesha in Mangalore are as follows.

Yugadhi :

        On the "Shudha Padyami" of Chaithra month the New Year day of Hindus begin. According to "Puranas" this was the day when Lord Bramha, creator in entirety, created this "WORLD" and ordained planets, stars, seasons, months and "Samvatsaras" (years) to roll in equilibrium to take stock of TIME. Hence the Yugadi(Beginning of Millenium) . Just as life is a mixture of day and night it isalso a mixture of happiness and sadness. To represent this, on this day sweet(Jaggery) and bitter (Neem) are eaten and also distributed and all are advised to take up both temporary natured happiness and sadness in life alike with a stoic mind.



Shree Rama Navami :

          On the ninth day of Chaithra, which is eighth day after Ugadi, is Shree Ramas birthday. Shree Ram who was moral incarnation of Mahavishnu .


Hanumanth Jayanthi :

        On the full  moon day of chaithra  was born the  "He man"of Ramayana, "Shree Mahabali Hanuman" as he was Rudravathari, the incarnation of Lord Rudra(Shiva) .  It is large heartedness of Shree Hanuman that he always claims himself as humble servant of Lord Shree Ram and Mother Sitha. Hanuman is one amongst the Seven Chiranjeevis( of Eternal life) beleived to have been produced on Mother Earth.


Shree Lakshmi Venkatesh Kalyana Utsava:


      On Vaishakha Shudha Dashami Lord of Seven Hills, Thirupathi, who is the Kaliyuga (present acon)  incarnation of Lord Vishnu  married   Mahalakshmis incarnation Goddess Padmavathi . This day is very sacred and auspicious for Hindus. Lord Vishnu who is adored as physically standing as Lord Venkateshwara and has proven his presence by attending to his devotees in travail all over the globe. Indeed his temple is the richest Hindu temple on earth. He is so commited to his devotees that he had to ordain Padmavathi to stay at Padmavathipattanam which is located at the foot of Seven Hills. It is said that he advised her to have pateince and told her that he would visit her shrine at night after all his devotees finish his darshan and devout. Padmavathi agreed with the Lord to commemorate the marriage day  of  Padmavathi and   Venkataramana  on the    above  day,  Idol  of  Lord Veeravenkateshwara, of Mangalore is taken to Lakshmi's sanctum and receives a grand pooja from his ardent devotees of Mangalore.


Narasimha Jayanthi:

            The fourth and the greatest incarnation of Lord Vishnu amongst his ten prime avataras is Lord Narasimha who emerged out of a pillar as Man-Lion, i.e.,Lion's head on Man's trunk. He devoured Demon-Lord Hiranyakashyapu who was Master Prahalada's father. When Prahalada was in the womb of his mother, Queen Kayaadu, he had the fortune of listening to Devarishi Naradha regarding Lord Vishnu's compassion towards his devotees. Hence right from his birth Prahalada was dedicated to the name of Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakashyapu who was an arch rival of Lord Vishnu and a symbol of torture to noble souls, could not bear with his son and started torturing young Prahalada in many ways after trying through his henchmen to advice Prahalada that Hiranyakashyapu himself was the prime god and Lord Vishnu stood null in front of Hiranyakashyapu. Young Prahalada denounced such thoughts and stuck to his wisdom that Lord Vishnu was "Purushothama", the supreme. One day, Hiranyakashyapu screamed at Prahalada and questioned him as to where his Lord Vishnu was present and whether he could save Prahalada from death at his own hands. To this, Prahalada replied that Lord Vishnu is omnipresent. Hiranyakashyapu pointed out at a pillar in his palace and asked Prahalada whether Vishnu was present in it. Prahalada's reply was affirmative. The Demon Lord using his Gadha(Mace) breake open the pillar and there emerged Lord Narasimha and slained the demon using his sharp paws on his lion and blessed Prahalad as his topmost devotee on earth.To remember the above incidence and to pay our obedience to Lord, Narasimha Jayanthi is celebrated with pomp and pleasure in Veera Venkateshwara's temple at Mangalore


   Vaishaka Poornima :-

             This is a special day also as Vyasa Poornima after the celebrity Lord Vedavyasa Maharshi to whom Hinduism is fully indebted. It was this Everlive (Chiranjivi) form of Mahavishnu which edited the four Vedas authored Puranas (Mythology) including the mightiest Hindu Seripture Shree Madbhagavatham, a hundred and eight Upanishads (the very embodiment of WISDOM) and of course the fifth Veda Mahabharath. Lord Vedavyasa is said to be living at Badrinath in Himalaya even today and his Five thousandth Birthday was celebrated in 1977 by Shree Kashi Mutt as he (Lord Vedavyasa) is the preciding Deity of Shree Kashi Mutt.

        Incidentally this day is also the "Thrice blessed Day" of the nineth Avatara of Lord Vishnu who was born as Lord Buddha about six hundred Years B.C. This is the day Lord Buddha was born, attained Enlightenment and Emancipated after preeching his evergreen Buddhism.


Jyesta Shudha Bidige :-

            Jyesta Shudha Bidige is   anniversary of Consecution of Lord Ganesh in Venkatramana Temple.  On   15th June 1999 was 101st  anniversary.


Jyesta Shudha Thriyodishi :-

                   Jyesta   Shudha Thriyodishi was    celebrated as     consecretion day    of  Lord Veera Venkatesha.

         On Ashada Shudha Dashami Lord Veera Venkateswara took up his Chathurmasya vratham. In ancient days ascetics who are expected to be on a constent move form one place to another spreading gospels of Dharma(Righteousness) were expected to stay at one place only for maximum four months during monsoon as it was very difficult to travel during these four months due to non availibility of Good roads to commute . Hence they use to perform four sacred Months (Chathurmasya) at one place and receive offerings from locals wherever they observed these four months. This custom is still in Vogue and in the temples .



    On Aashada bahula Bidige (29th July 1999) Shree Kashi Muttadish Sukratheendra Teertha Swamijis Emancipation day was observed.


Naga Panchami :-

     Shravana Shudha Panchami is every year celebrated as Naga Panchami.. Our ancestors believed in living with nature and not against it like modern generation. They knew very well that in this cycle of lilfe every creature has its role to play and more important was their wisdom to see God in all creatures. Elephant trunked Lord Ganesha, Lord Hayagreeva with a Horse face , Lord Vahara with the face of a Boar, Lord Mathsya with the body of fish and Lord Kurma with that of a Turtle, Lord Narasimha with the head of Lion were classic examples. Similarly serpant Lord Anantha, of Rishi Kashyapa and Kadru (Who as Ordained by Lord Shiva became the coach of Lord Vishnu), Serpant Vasuki (younger brother of Anantha) was accepted by Lord Shiva as his ornament on his neck and , their other brother Thakshaka chose to be friend Devendra of heaven, highlights what a sacred place Nagas (serpants) possess.

    Serpant represents Kundalini Shakthi, the latent energy in all human beings that can be awakened by Meditation and elevates human beings to seat of omni potency. [Incidentally the DNA (Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid) in body cells are found to be in serpentine form ]. This omni potency is omni, the endless Anantha (the Unending)


Rugupakarma :- 

         It is believed that sacred thread worn this day (The Full Moon day of Shravana month) brings good health. The consecrated Thread threefolds worn by Brahmacharis (Bachelors) and sixfold ones worn by married ( three fold on account of man and three fold belonging to his spouse) is ordained by Seriptures to followers of religious rituals. From the day of Upanayana (Inner eye opening day) a man has to wear the Sacred Thread with its three folds representing Bhakthi (Devotion), Jnana (Wisdom) and Karthavya (duty)

       At Sunrise, Midday and Sunset, thrice a day Sandhyavandane (Salutation to Sun Lord) Chanting the Gayathri Manthra is to be offered holding the sacred thread. By this all Evil motives in his would dwindle and Light of Wisdom would dawn from Energy of Sun God. The Gayathri Manthra is translated means that the Lord in his form as Sun God Energy trigger wisdom in us.

         The threads that yield cloth to cover our shame is sacred to us and on this day of Rigupakarma we offer our Gratitude to it by consecrating it at the feet of Lord through Mantras (hymns) and wear the same on us.


Sri Krishna Janmashtami :-

        Though Lord Narasimhas incarnation is the mightiest one out of the Ten Predominent Incarnations of Lord Vishnu, it had a precise mission- slaying of Hiranya Kashyapu to protect his Devotee Master Prahallada. The next tallest incarnation was as Lord Krishna in Mathura the most spritingly charming and surpassingly handsome Govinda who had incarnated for upliftment of Righteous (Dharma). He proclaimed that whenever unrighteousness (Adharma) starts over powering Dharma, he would Incarnate to crush Adharma and uplift Dharma. In this Mission, Sri Krishna sent several Demons to the abode of "Yama" . Sri Krishna time and again proved by this deeds no one is a match to him in wisdom, love, valour, statesmanship and even in "Maya". He never got himself coronated but all crown were rolling on his feet. He did not discreminate between his relatives and foes, when it came to the question of upliftment of Dharma . Right from the moment of his birth he had shown who he is !  be it is liberating Mathura from the grip of Demon Kamsa (who was Krishna's maternal uncle) and reinstalling Kamsas father King Ugrasena (who was imprisoned by Kamsa to usurp the throne of Mathura) , be it is slaining of innumerous Demons in Gokul where Krishna grew up, be it in dispatching Rakshasas like Chaanura, Jarasandha, Demon Baanasura to "Yamaloka" or be it in finishing unrighteous Kauravas, Lord Krishna was even headed,stoich and steady in upholding Dharma. It was Lord Krishna who has preached Bhagavadgeetha to humanity by preaching it first to his cousin turned devotee Arjuna. It is the only immortal scripture in this mortal world which has originated directly from the Lotus like lips of Lord Krishna. Geetha, the Nector yield of flowers(Upanishads) is rated as the topmost preaching from highests Echelons of human intellect. Lord Krishna says Jnana (Wisdom) is the topmost purifier available in all worlds. Duty is the supreme duty for all souls. Perfection is reached only when duty is done quietly in all earnestness and yielded at the feet of Krishna without any longing of returns.


Gowri Trateeya - Ganesha Chathurthi :-

       Goddess Gowri is the very incarnation of Aadhi Shakthi Mahamaya. She is the untransfixed matrix of this universe, the Prime ordeal " Prakrithi " the Shakthi of Lord Shiva without her Lord Shiva is merely a handicap. She is "Yoganidra" of Shree Harivishnu and is potential enough to even take ShreeHarivishnu to mystic sleep "Yoganidra". She is the most auspicious Goddess and hence called Mangala-Gowri who blesses her ladies devout to her with Maangalya (Mangala Suthra that is worn by all ladies on the day they are wedded and as long as their husband lives). It is believed that on Gowri Trateeya when she is called by "Suhaagan" women along with her Lord(Shiva), she comes home like any married girl coming to her parents house. The next day Lord Ganesha, her son comes as if to take his parents back to their abode (Kailasa). Goddess Gowri is the proud Mother of Lord Ganesha at whose might and wisdom the "Threemurthis", Lord Brahma (the creator), Lord Vishnu (the sustainer) and Lord Shiva (the finisher) remain astounded. He is the very incarnation of Pranava manthra the syllabel "OM", hence the most auspicious Lord. It is quite natural that being the Son of the Most auspicious Goddess, he is a part and parcel of her. The mother and son stand for the greatest Bonding on earth between any mother and her offspring.

         Lord Shiva blessed Lord Ganesha with "First Worship" and for all Hindus in any auspicious function Lord Ganesha is first prayed as he is the one who destroys all calamities (Vighnas) and evils. Lord Ganesha is a "Shakthi Devatha" and when called with devout mind gets down to the devotee without delay. Let us pray that Lord Ganesha bestow his Blessings on us.


Anantha Chathurdashi :-

       "Anantha" in other words is endless, the eternal. Hence this festival is the King amongst the "Vrathas" or the austerities observed by the Vedics stretching on the Lord Anantha (the eternal serpent Vasuki) with Lord Brahma seated on the Lotus Flower emerging out of Vishnus naval and Goddess Lakshmi serving at his feet is the actual deity to whom Pooja is performed on this sacred day to pay respects to th Eternal Life which is represented as a part and parcel of this Lord (as Lord Vishnu is the one who Lives in us when our body is alive and his spark of this keeps this body going). It is said one has to eat the offerings (Naivedya) of this Vratha even if he has to beg for it. Let Lord Anantha bless us with long life full of health and cheers.


Navarathri Uthsavam :-

        These ten days are most charming days of year for any Hindu. It is very characteristic of Hindus to worship the God as Mother during these ten days. Since there cannot be anybody more dearer than ones mother, this festival is also the most dearest to all Hindus. Goddess Durga (Who slained the barberous Demon Durgama and hence won the celebrated name Goddess Durga) is worshipped as Goddess Aadhishakthi (Lord Shivas spouse Gowri ), Goddess Mahalakshmi (Lord Vishnus spouse Lakshmi) and Goddess Saraswathi (Lord Brahmas spouse Sharada). Vedas are the most important ones to be worshipped at their Mother Saraswathi's Lotus feet. Goddess Durga in the form of mother Saraswathi had slained maximum number of Demons during the first nine days and the tenth day was celebrated by all Gods and selestials as her victory day "VIJAYA DASHAMI" . Goddess Saraswathi was in various forms during battle with Demons on nine days. She had multiplied herself as Goddess Brahmani, Vaishnavi, Maha Gowri, Kaala Raathri, Siddhi Daathri, Skanda Maatha, Shaila Puthri, Chandraghanta, Kooshmandini, Brahmachaarini, Kaathyayini, Aindri, Narasimhi, Vaarahi and any other forms to devour the demons.

       Lalitha Panchami, Durgashtami,Sharada Pooja, Maha Navami Vidya Dashami are the most important days of this festival which Coincides with the reaping period when the entire landscape is lush green at receding monsoons. Goddess stands as the symbol of vindication of the good over the evil, the auspicious over the inauspicious and the Sathva over Asuri nature.


Paschima Jaagara Pooja :-

          The day of Vijaya Dashami was incidentally the day Lord Rama won over Demon Ravana of the island Kingdom of Lanka. From this day morning "Brahmi Muhurtham" (about 04:30 hrs. in the early morning) for a months time everyday morning devotees of Lord Venkateshwara with cleaned body and mind, Chant "Bhajans" in praise of the Lord, wake him up with the "Suprabhatam" song and "Baagilanu teredu seveyanu kodu Hariye" (Lord open thy door and accept my services in thy love) followed by numerous "Aarathis" like the Shikharaarathi, Divati Aarathi, Paanaarathi, Nagarathi, Harivaanaarathi, Simple Aarathi. Thulasi(Basilica Sanctiflora), (proved scientifically as a unique species producing ozone that enriches human life) having numerous medicinal values is an auspicious plant and Lord Govinda is worshipped by Garlands of Tulasi in whom the Lord has promised to eternally dwell in.


Naraka Chathurdashi and Shree Dhanalakshmi Pooja :-

           Demon Narakasura was defeated and killed in battle by Lord Krishna on this day. This Demon had defeated Lord Indra and insulted Devamaatha Aadithi in Swargaloka (heavens) and was attrocious towards Saints and Surs devout to the Lord. Lord Krishna climbing on his Garuda along with his beloved wife Sathyabhama attacked the fortress of this Demon had a Serious combat with him and finally with his Chakra (Discuss) Sudarshana severed Narakasuras head. Lord Krishna Accompanied by Devi Sathyabhama reclaims the Ear ornament of Devamaatha Adhithi (Which were snatched by the Demon to insult the Gods) and returns the same to Devamaatha Adithi. Hence on this day of ending of darkness by Lights (festival of Lights Deepavali) . Lord Govinda and his spouse Mahalakshmi Swaroopini Sathybhama are worshipped. Hence Dhanalakshmis Pooja.


Gopooja, Deepavali and Amavasya (New moon day) :-

               It is very encouraging part of Hinduism that whatever helps "People" towards sustaining and improving positive aspects of our Biological life and mental upliftment, is attributed with DIVINITY and it becomes a part of WORSHIP. This is THE MAIN reason for the strength of this NATURE-BORN religion.

        It is "Go", the cow that feeds all of us throughout the life with milk which is a complete food and since every aspect of a cow contributes positively to our life undoubtedly the cow is fit for reverence and worship. Lord Krishna himself performed Go-Pooja, the COW-WORSHIP to stress on this point. Incidentally this day coincides with Deepavalis New moon Night when to drive "Andhakasura" (The Devil Darkness) from our life innumerous Deepas (lights of wick) are lighted which is believed to be an open invitation to Goddess Lakshmi who is the Presiding Deity of Deepavali Month. She brings "Cash and Kind" (Money and Grains) with her and these are vital requirements of our life.

     People smear oil on their body and take bath to symbolise "Smearing off" of all evils of Physical and Mental Darkness.

Karthika Month Baleendra/Dhanya Lakshmi Pooja/Utthana Dwaadashi /Tulasi Pooja :-

Baleendra Pooja is the day when one of the "Eternal Living being"(out of Seven Eternal Living Beings believed to be blessed with Eteternal Life) Demon Emperor Baleendra was pushed down to Netherworld (Paatala) by Lord Vishnus incarnation, Vamana. On this day Veeravittala, the oiginal Deity of Veera Venkatesha Temple is brought to seat at the Flog post (Dhwaja Sthambha) of the Temple and annual Credit/Debits of his treasury are apprised to him. His spouse as DhanyaLakshmi(Goddess of Grains) is worshipped on this day, the First Day of Kaarthika Month.

The tenth day of Paschima Jaagara which starts exactly a month ago on the 10th day of Aashwija Month(Vijaya Dashami).. On the Eleventh day Kaarthika Ekaadashi, it is believed that Gates of Vaikunta the Abode of Lord Hari Vishnu opens for all Gods and Goddess to visit the God Head and his Ardhangini(better half) Mother Lakshmi. In the temple overnight Bhajans and Pooja are conducted to reach our prayers in his Praise to him who has opened his doors so as to crave his Blessings.

On the twelfth day of this month, Lord Vishnu on hearing our Prayers gets up and due to his "WEAKNESS" towards his Devotees comes running to them at the Vrindavanam(Tulasi, the most sacred plant).Hence blessed Mother Tulasi is worshipped along with "Her Govinda" on this day. This day marks the end of Lords "Confinement" to his Sanctum(due to monsoon season) and His Digvijayam starts from this day. On the fifteenth day of this month Veera Venkateshwara accompanied by his Devout Wives Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Padmavathi travels to woods for picnic. He enjoys the Serenity of woods, bathing in Pushkaranis(pools) and gets seated in Charriots decorated all over using natural fruits and vegetables of all kinds that grow abundently in the monsoon. In otherwords tha Lord is visiting Prakrathi, his Sister Paarvathi along with his family on a Picninc cum family tour.

Maargashira Month :-

The winter is auspicious as it bears "Shasti", the sixth day celebrated to please Lord Shanmukha(The six faced God) the celebrated Son of Lord Shiva who is also the Commander-in-chief of the Devas(Gods). On this day Lord Venkateshwara rides on his small charriot in Car-street along with his Divine "Partners", Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Padmavathi.

The twelfth day , the Mukkoti Dwaadashi is the day when all the Thirty three Crore Devas(Gods) come to Pandarapura to bath in river Bheema and pay obeisance to the most compassionate(Soft Hearted) incarnation of Lord Hari Vishnu, Lord Vithobha, who is waiting for embracing his devotees. He is the only accessible Lord whom anyone is allowed o Physically touch(Him).

Maagha Maasa :-

This is the month that brings joys of the year to the devotees of Lord Veera Venkateshwara as it hosts the Rathothsavam(The Car Festival).

        Uttharayana the northerly movement of the Sun God starts from 14th January. Though the Mahabharatha War was fought in December and Bhisma Pithamaha was on tbe coach of arrows bleeding, he chose this month of Maagha and the next day to Lords Ratha Sapthami(Car-Festival) to Leave behind his physical mortal coil and to Straight away reach the Lord .

       Lord Brahma , after celebrate the wedding ceremony of Lord Venkateshwara had First made a Charriot and after seating the Lord with his wife Padmavathi in it, had arranged Devas to pull the Charriot on the streets of Narayapuram(in Andhra). Hence the name Bhramha Rathothsavam.

      On all these days the Lord with His spouse and his devotees is in Gaiety and is propecious whatever is begged of him he grants with happiness on these days. Though there is "Yajna" and uthsavam everyday, on the fourth day Uthsava Srinivasa rides on smalll charriot and on the Fifth day the main Lord Veera Venkateshwara after heavy Prayers and Abhishekam by Tender Coconut Water, Bhageerathi water, ingradients like Honey, Sugar, Curd etc comes out of His sanctum Sanctorum and after Yajna proceeds on to Brahma Ratham. It is a spectacular view to see thousands waiting for him to ascent the "Brahma Ratha". The Devotees Hearts Dances in cheers when Lord Elegently rides on Brahma Ratha in the night. The next day is the only day in a year when on Bheeshmaashtami day to pay "VALUE" for his ardent devotee "Bheeshma", the Lord seated in his Swarna Pallaki(The Golden Palanquin) rides on all athe Main Street along with thousands of his Devotees, singing, dancing to the bands, splashing colours and coloured water on one another. This day is popularly known as "Vokkula".

      Thus propeciated the Lord after bathing in his Temple Pool comes back to his Simhasanam (throne) and blesses his Devotees with health, wealth, cheer and happiness till he comes out to them exactly after a years time.