Dear Devotees,

                First of all let me tell you the reasons behind launching of our web site

  1. The Negligence by other local web sites like towards our temple( Before this site is floated there were rarely any reference of our temple in any of the sites or on the web)

  2. To bring Community people together virtually and make them take part in temple activities.

  3. Making people who live Far abroad to Visit our temple when ever they can

  4. Making people aware of temple activities such as Festivals,Renovation , Fund raising etc.

                Being regular visitors to our CyberTemple You people have been Equally involved in this Holy work. Here is little more you of what you can do for this site

  1. Introduce More Visitors and There by increase popularity Rating of YOUR web site.

  2. Whenever Possible , where ever possible Please Suggest Our web site (like if  you come across any Search engine Or Web site Rating Service's Please do Suggest Our Web Site.)

  3. Send in your Review,Suggestions & Requests to me regularly.

  4. Participate in Polls in our web site.

  5. Send to me address of any web site Reflecting Hindu Religion and Customs So as we can have links to them on our web site.

  6. Send details of Konkani/temple related organizations or other Functions held at your place so we can include them in our site.

                  This site is hosted on free site which can be unreliable ,free Ads, Slow access but we cant help it as this site is built only by help of few Individuals .Few people Complained about poor quality of Photographs but these photos are from Private collection of few individuals . Temple office is hesitant to give out the photo albums even for this noble cause . Temple authorities do not have any time to come out of their regular POLITICS

                 We are trying to get our own .org registration and if every thing goes smooth we may be able to launch site soon . We Got our temple site registerd as Organization our new address is



Girish S.Nayak



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